Our New Year's Resolution launches across our retail portfolio: let's stamp out loneliness.

Even in "normal" times half of disabled people say they are lonely, and one in four feel lonely every single day. 

Covid 19 has disproportionately affected disabled people, and we want to play our part in improving wellbeing in 2021. 

Particularly 'unseen' disabilities, such as autism, but also conditions like dementia and mental health.  

We are a small team but confident we can make an impact together.  

We believe we play an integral part in the communities we serve, and with an online following of thousands of people, we have the platforms to increase the awareness of these crucial issues.

49% of non-disabled people feel that they do not have anything in common with disabled people, and 26% admit to avoiding engaging in conversation with a disabled person (source www.sense.org.uk). 

Through training, techniques and inclusive activities, we want to bring our communities together.


This year, we will deliver nationally accredited Autism and Dementia awareness training across our workforce to increase our understanding of the challenges people, families and carers face when they visit us. 

We will share those learnings with all our stakeholders and partners to increase the impact.  

Events and fundraising  

We will be holding several awareness events throughout the year and fundraising initiatives to support local grassroots charities. This includes our annual colour run, which will be going blue this year, supporting Autism Awareness. 


We reach an average of over five million people via our social media and online campaigns each year, and this year, we promise to run high-impact educational campaigns aimed at increasing awareness - if you've not heard of the starfish story, read it here: https://eventsforchange.wordpress.com/.../the-starfish.../

We all have the opportunity to help create positive change, but if you're like us, we sometimes find yourself thinking, "I'm already really busy, and how much of a difference can I make?"  

We might not be able to change the entire world, but at least you can change a small part of it, for someone.

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